Q4 2022

McKesson Corporation delivers a third of all pharmaceuticals used in North America and employs over 51,000 employees. With $308.9 billion in 2024 revenue, it is the ninth-largest company (by revenue) in the United States and the nation's largest healthcare company.

Our team was brought in to help the Design organization cultivate a user-centered design culture within the company. Our initial assignment was to assess the current state of Connect, a key business platform and online ordering portal.

The level of rigor in collecting this data is impressive
— Director of UX Design
  • Challenge

    How do you convince an industry leader that their top revenue-generating platform needs strategic improvements to stay competitive and succeed?

    Approach: Use UX methods to gather insights and provide leadership a high-level view.

    Duration: 2 months
    Audience: Program and Design leadership

  • My Role

    I conducted a Competitive Analysis to assess McKesson’s market position, a Heuristic Evaluation to identify platform strengths and challenges, and a design pattern review to support a centralized Design System for cohesive experiences and streamlined development.

    Team includes:
    1 Design Operations Manager
    3 Product Designers (lead & 2 designers)
    2 UX Researchers

  • Outcome

    The objective data allowed the UX leadership and project team to strategize a relevant and realistic product roadmap.

    The exercise provided a clear and comprehensive view of the competitive landscape, identifying gaps in the market and highlighting emerging trends.

    The evaluation delivered an objective analysis of the existing platform, enabling well-informed improvement planning with a thoughtful and strategic approach.


Control Setting

First thing to do is establish a baseline, the design team synced to gain alignment on the UX principles and values, both as an organization and overall accepted standards.

Focus Areas

Then, we strategized on the approach in gathering data: our research team will embark on user interviews to identify user segments and map user journeys. Our design lead will perform workshops to align stakeholders. I, along with Brendan – another UX designer, will explore the competitive landscape and conduct a comprehensive heuristic evaluation on the current Ordering platform.

Competitive Analysis

Our Design Ops Manager identified 7 of McKesson’s competitors. I collected product screens and information available online. There’s not a clear apple-to-apple comparison but I focused on products that appear to have similar functionality we were after, Ordering process. With the screenshots, we noted our qualitative observations and for a quantitative analysis, I established categories that are aligned with our design principles and assigned a ratings scale. Both Brendan and I did the scoring while our lead, Auldyn, would provide a tie breaker, if needed. For objectivity, we studied the overall concordance level as well as the concordance level within +/-1 between our scores.

Competitive Analysis Results – 7 comparable products from 5 closest competitors were evaluated. Categories scored comprised of general essential features and core design values.

Heuristic Evaluation

Then, it was on to the heuristic evaluation of McKesson’s Ordering platform. I selected the industry wide accepted criteria for usability evaluation: Jakob’s 10 Usability Heuristics. Relevant screenshots were collected and a  spreadsheet was created for scoring. The same method of scoring was applied to preserve objectivity as much as possible. With the quantitative results, we noted our observations and made some recommendations.

Heuristic Evaluation Results – The industry standard Jakob’s 10 usability principles were utilized to evaluate the Connect platform. The focus areas consisted of ordering related activities.


After gathering and synthesizing the information, the Design team formed a well-rounded conclusion that made a strong case for innovation. The summary, along with other research insights, was delivered to leadership.

  • Lessons

    Systems can evolve organically, leading to feature bloat and making maintenance increasingly complex and costly. Pareto’s principle was in effect where 80% of the task is accomplished through 20 % of the features provided.

    Analysis from different perspectives and the triangulation of information collected is necessary to best come up with strategy and de-risk business decision. Design research is a key component to this.